
Hey there! My name is Hannah, and I am a Writer; and by writer, I mean sits in bed at 8:45 PM every day and recounts her romance-less life in words while rewatching Sex and the City for the 50th time (who are we kidding - Carrie Bradshaw never gets old). I am the kind of writer that writes because she needs to. If I don't write, I bubble over onto my friends and family - and who wants to be that gal?

The argument could be made as to whether I am good at it or not, but that's not what matters. What matters is that writing grounds me and soothes my wounds. It incapsulates the moments that I will forget when I am inevitably old and drooling, and it conveys what spoken words cannot say.

Welcome toe Brain Lint, for that it what it is.


  1. I am so glad to have found your blog, it is just darling. <3

  2. hey lovely!!! i'm so glad i found your blog.

  3. Currently blog stalking you! (maybe I shouldn't have told you that!) I love the music you are listening too, I have a similar taste in music. Can't wait to read more!


Gosh, thanks so much for giving me feedback! I read and reply to every single comment!